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Check Six – 1965: Facilities in Diamond Head Crater

September 6, 2021

This 1965 photograph shows the inside of Diamond Head crater. 

You can see the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) facility below the trail to the crater rim. The FAA collocated this facility’s operations with those at Honolulu International Airport a few years later. The facility was demolished, and the area was restored to its natural state. 

You can see Hawaii Army National Guard facilities, Buildings 301 and 304 and the U.S. Property and Fiscal Office (USPFO) offices and warehouse. Buildings 301 and 304 were demolished in 2008. The USPFO facility is currently occupied by the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency, formerly State Civil Defense. 

In 1965, the lake, sometimes a marsh, was still in the crater. It was drained sometime before the Crater Festivals in the early 1970s.

A long time ago…

From → History

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