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Off Track: The History of Five Local Grinds

In 2015, Catherine E. Toth wrote a great article, The History of Five Local Grinds, in Hawaii Magazine.

Where did the Spam musubi originate? What does “manapua” mean? We traced the history of five Hawai‘i comfort food favorites all the way back to their earliest origins to decipher the roots of their modern-day multicultural appeal.

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Best Rewards Credit Cards 

From the Kiplinger website

As high inflation rears its head, consumers are looking for ways to offset painful increases in the price of groceries, gas and other budget staples. One strategy is to use a rewards credit card that pays you cash back, points or miles on every purchase you make. In our annual review of the best rewards cards, we’ve found rebates as high as 6% on supermarket spending and 5% on gas. For leisure spending, we’ve uncovered rewards of up to 5% on dining out, travel and shopping. If you want a no-fuss card that pays a solid rate on every purchase, you’ll find options here that offer 2%. 

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Record-high inflation could mean a bigger Social Security cost-of-living adjustment in 2023

From the CNBC website

Social Security beneficiaries started 2022 with a 5.9% cost-of-living adjustment to their monthly checks, the highest increase in about 40 years.

But as inflation climbs with each month, the buying power of those benefit increases has diminished.

The Consumer Price Index for all Urban Consumers, or CPI-U, rose 8.5% from a year ago, according to March data released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics on Tuesday.

Meanwhile, another measure used by the Social Security Administration to calculate the annual cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA — the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, or CPI-W — shot up 9.4%over the last 12 months.

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Check Six – 1950s: T-33 T-Bird

Hawaii Air National Guard photograph – enlarge

When the 199th Fighter Squadron converted from the Republic P/F-47 Thunderbolts to the North American F-86 Sabres, they also received “several” two seat Lockheed T-33 Shooting Star jets.  Thought its service life, the T-33s were known as T-Birds.

These T-Birds were used to train new pilots and were sometimes used as targets during training.

The undated photograph shows maintenance crews and two officers, maybe pilots. While the majority could not be identified, familiar faces include Thomas “Tomato” Tsuruda, John Beaumont, and Thomas Kato.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

We used “several” as the reference to how many T-33s were assigned to the 199th Fighter Squadron. In various documents, the number varies from three to seven.

The Fed Is Hiking Interest Rates. Should That Change Your Investment Strategy?

From the Money website

The Federal Reserve just approved its biggest interest hike rate since 2000.

On Wednesday, the Federal Open Market Committee — the Fed’s monetary policymaking body — announced it would be raising its benchmark interest rate by a half percentage point as it fights soaring inflation. The central bank also outlined a plan to reduce its massive balance sheet.

The Fed kept interest rates near zero throughout the COVID-19 pandemic before raising the rate by a quarter percentage point in March amid soaring prices for everything from groceries to cars.

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National Guard Community Virtual Career Fair

Your Hawaii National Guard Enlisted Association (HNGEA) is pleased to announce the Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States (EANGUS) inaugural National Guard Community Virtual Career Fair on Thursday, May 26, 2022.

For over 50 years, the EANGUS & HNGEA has been devoted to promoting, safeguarding, and improving the status, welfare, and professionalism of the National Guard Community. As part of this mission, EANGUS has worked tirelessly to provide opportunities and resources to assist this community find adequate civilian employment that understands and appreciates their uniqueness. 

Registration for National Guard Service members, veterans, retirees, and their families is FREE. 

The Top Foods High in Vitamin C — and Why the Nutrient Is So Critical

From the Everyday Health website

The Hungarian biochemist Albert Szent-Györgyi discovered vitamin C in the 1930s — hundreds of years after more than two million sailors died of a gruesome disease they likely could have staved off with more fruits and veggies aboard ship. That disease was scurvy, which for centuries was not known to be caused by a deficiency in ascorbic acid, or vitamin C, according to the American Chemical Society. Most produce contains vitamin C in amounts sufficient to keep such extreme deficiencies at bay.

Why is vitamin C so important? Marisa Moore, RDN, who’s based in Atlanta, says the vitamin plays a critical role in maintaining tissues, keeping bones healthy, and protecting cells and blood vessels from damage.

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Check Six – 2010: HIANG Commanders Briefing

Retiree News photograph

On April 14, 2010, Maj. Gen. Darryll Wong, then-the Hawaii Air National Guard commander, hosted a informational briefing for former commanders. Among the retired commander attending were Edward “Rick” Richardson and Clinton “Church” Churchill.

In this photograph is Darryll Wong, Allen Mizumoto, and James “Saw” Sage.

Darryl Wong started his tenure as the Adjutant General several months later. After his retirement, he began working for Sierra Nevada Corporation, a civilian contractor.

Allen Mizumoto retired in 1993, and started enjoying more rounds of golf.

“Saw” served in the Hickam F-22 Program Integration Office and provided a update brief on the Raptor program.

New Official Art Reveals Advanced F-22 Capabilities, Possibly JATM

From the Air Force Magazine website

Air Force illustration from this Air Force Magazine article

An artist’s concept of the Lockheed Martin F-22, posted on Instagram by Gen. Mark D. Kelly, head of Air Combat Command, offers an official glimpse of new capabilities for the Raptor, including a possible first look at the highly classified AIM-260 Joint Advanced Tactical Missile.

The image, released April 27, portrays three F-22s flying in formation, each carrying what appear to be stealthy extended-range fuel tanks and slender outer wing pods with a chiseled aperture at their leading edges. In the picture, one of the F-22s has launched a missile, which is neither an AIM-120 Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile nor an AIM-9X Sidewinder, the two air-to-air missiles known to be qualified for the fighter.

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Start the Elder Care Conversation

From the Kiplinger website

Many people don’t have a plan set where an elderly parent will go. Do you?

Judging from the e-mails I receive, it’s reasonable to assume that a fair number of retired Kiplinger’s readers are involved in the physical and/or financial care of a spouse, parent or other family member.  And it also appears likely that many of them didn’t factor the caretaker role into their planning. 

Reader Ira Worden writes that after his father became mentally incompetent, he took over his father’s duties as trustee of a family trust and managed his mother’s finances. “But my father had been faking being okay for a while, which I learned after I managed to figure things out,” says Worden. “This was not an easy or planned handoff!” 

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Exercising With Knee Pain: Do’s and Don’ts

From the U.S. News & World Report website

Exercise can often be the last thing on the mind of someone suffering from a chronic knee pain condition. And as research indicates, many people who have degenerative diseases of the knee, such as osteoarthritis, don’t get anywhere close to the recommended amount of daily exercise activity that they should. 

Further, plenty of studies show the enormous benefits of regular exercise on knee health and the protective advantages it can offer in keeping the structures, tissues and ligaments of the knee protected from damage now, and later in life. As long as you clear it with your physician first, you might be surprised at the knee pain relief and active lifestyle benefits that can come with introducing exercise into your daily routine. 

Armed with a few tips for what to do and what not to do, you’ll be on your way to healthier living, in no time.

Tanker 0329 Now at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

Off the Hawaii Air National Guard Facebook page

Hawaii Air National Guard photograph

‘Tanker 0329, you’re cleared for takeoff for the last time.’

203rd Air Refueling Squadron pilots Lt. Col. Kelly Church and Maj. Koani Lau, experienced a wave of emotions this weekend as they flew one of the Hawaii Air National Guard’s most cherished aircraft to the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force

The historic aircraft, numbered 60-0329, is now the first KC-135R Stratotanker to be inducted into the museum, where millions of visitors will be able to learn about the airframe’s rich history and abundant contributions to the world of aviation.

Upon arrival at the Air Force, ‘Tanker 0329’ was reunited with a legendary aircrew who performed the world’s first tri-level air refueling procedure during the Vietnam Conflict.

Original and retired crew members, Lt. Col. Richard Trail, Lt. Col. John Casteel and Senior Master Sgt. Jack Barnes responded to the unprompted distress call from two U.S. Navy aircraft in 1967 over the Gulf of Tonkin and likely saved the lives through their bold and innovative fuel delivery.

While crew members from past and present flew the aircraft more than 50 years apart, they all shared an unmistakable and deep familiarity with the inner workings and timeless characteristics of Tanker 0329, which came to be known as Kapea throughout it’s time in the Hawaii ANG.

During Kapea’s final flight, former Hawaii ANG Airman and current Deputy Director, Air National Guard, Maj. Gen. Duke A. Pirak attended in support for his wingmen and recognized the significant induction into the museum.

Additional crew members included:

Brig. Gen. Dann S. Carlson and Command Chief Master Sgt. Carol Orr – 154th Wing Command Team

Senior Master Sgt. Derek Wheeler – 203rd ARS Boom Operator

Tech. Sgt. Anthony Victorino – 203rd ARS Boom Operator

Senior Master Sgt. Paul Foster – 154th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Crew Chief

Staff Sgt. Kyler Sato -154th AMXS Crew Chief

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How Your Retirement Savings and Income Are Taxed

From the Kiplinger website

There is one commonality that everyone shares in retirement – a price tag. Your price tag may be different from your neighbors’ or your friends’, but we all have one. That price tag or cost will depend on your goals and the lifestyle you desire to have in retirement. It also factors in housing, utilities, health care expenses, inflation, taxes and other expenses.

Building a healthy nest egg to live off of in retirement is probably one of the biggest challenges you may face, especially when you have competing priorities.

Identifying the sources of income that you can depend on is one of the first tasks in evaluating your retirement landscape. The bulk of retirement income for most people will come from personal savings and investments, Social Security and for some, earnings from continued employment. Examples of personal savings and investments include employer-sponsored retirement plans, individual retirement accounts (IRAs) and annuities, as well as individual stocks, bonds and mutual funds.

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Check Six: May 1978 Kūkā‘ilimoku

The Kūkā‘ilimoku is the official e-newsletter of the 154th Wing, Hawai’i Air National Guard. The first issue came in September 1957 and continues as a monthly newsletter today. 

Today we feature the May 1978 Kūkā‘ilimoku issue. This issue includes the following stories:

* Upcoming Management Effectiveness Inspection

* Air Force publishes smoking regulation

* 154th Tactical Fighter Group captures Hawaii National Guard Volleyball title

* 154th TFG Weapon Load Team places second in the NORAD Weapons Load competition

Review the entire May 1978 Kūkā‘ilimoku issue