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More on the 120th Military Police Company

April 21, 2015

Last week, Retiree News posted a photograph of the 120th Military Police Company, Hawaii Army National Guard.  Over the weekend, a unit member emailed his memories of the unit and a historic event.

My name is Solomon Aleka Jr. I was in the 120th Military Police Army National Guard at Fort Ruger back of Diamond Head about July 1959 to February 1960 (before I joined) the Navy. My First Sergeant was Sergeant Paz.

On August 21, 1959, the 120th Military Police, Hawaii Army National Guard was the honor guard for the Inauguration at ‘Iolani Palace. I was on stage because one of the MP locked his knee and Sergeant Paz had me get up in his place and I have a picture that I got from the Honolulu Star Bulletin.

59.08.21 State Ignauration

In this photograph, James Kealoha is being sworn in by State Supreme Court Associate Justice Masaji Marumoto. In the photo, partially covered by Kealoha’s hand is Governor William Quinn.

William Francis Quinn (July 13, 1919 – August 28, 2006) was the Governor of the Territory of Hawaii from 1957 to 1959 and the first Governor of the State of Hawaii from 1959 to 1962.

James Kealoha, formally James Kimo Kealoha, and also known as Jimmy Kealoha (April 29, 1908–August 24, 1983), of Hilo, Hawaiʻi was the first Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii in the administration of Governor of Hawaiʻi William F. Quinn. Prior to his election as lieutenant governor, Kealoha served a number of years as a legislator on Hawaii island.

When Retiree News, asked about the unit photograph,

I am not in the unit photo, I left the unit in February 1960.

In the picture of Lieutenant Governor Kealoha getting sworn in, I am to the far left you can see part of my face. I forgot that I had replace a MP when he locked his knee and was unable to stand.  So Sergeant Paz yelled at me, “Aleka get up there,” and the picture was taken – just in the right place at the right time.

My father was the one that seen my picture in the Star Bulletin and called me years after. I contacted Star Bulletin and they sent me this picture that came from the archives.

I think we the 120 MP was Security for President Eisenhower at the old Airport. I remember guarding the top of the terminal and the aircraft was a Boeing Stratocruiser.

I did one summer camp at Schofield I was 17 years old at the time.

If I get a chance to enlarge the group picture I might see people I know.

Retiree News thanks Solomon Aleka Jr. for sharing his memories with our readers.  Click here to see the original Retiree News post on the 120th Military Police Company.

From → History

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