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Attn: Veterans – UH Elder Law Program Event

March 26, 2019

Dear Retiree News:

University of Hawaii Elder Law Program (UHELP) and the Elder Law-Veterans Focus Clinic are sponsoring a seminar on Tuesday April 2nd in the law school library, which I think will be of interest to you and other veterans since there has been some recent significant court activity that can affect veterans. You were kind to post information about last year’s seminars and we had a nice number attend.

As to the program–We will have refreshments at 1530 followed by a presentation by Judge Coral Pietsch at 1600 on “Recent Decisions and Trends at the U.S. Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims” and a question and answer period from 1700 until 1730. Attached is the flyer. So that we may let the law library know the attendance, we request that individuals please reply to 956-6544 or by April 1st if they are coming.

We look forward to seeing you and other National Guard retirees, members and friends in the law library on April 2nd!

Mahalo and Aloha,

click on flyer to enlarge

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